未完待续to be continued的相关图片

未完待续to be continued

下面围绕“未完待续to be continued”主题解决网友的困惑

to be continued是什么意思

to be continued 英[tu: bi: kənˈtinju:d]美[tu bi kənˈtɪnjud]释义 未完待续; 待续(用于报刊上连载的文章等)数据合作方:金山词霸 双...

to be conitune 什么意思

to be continued [英][tu: bi: kənˈtinju:d][美][tu bi kənˈtɪnjud]未完待续; 待续(用于报刊上连载的文章等);1 I have some urgent bu...


“未完待续”的英文:to be continued continue 读法 英 [kən'tɪnjuː] 美 [kən'tɪnju]1...

to be continue是什么意思?

to be continue 是病句【口语中是正确的,表示未完待续】,“to be”表示被动,因此 continue 要用被动语态 continued,to be continued 意思是 “待续”(直译是 ...


“未完待续”的英文:to be continued continue 读法 英 [kən'tɪnjuː] 美 [kən'tɪnju] 1、vi. 继续,延续;仍旧,连续 2、vt. 继续说?;使?继续;使?延长 词...


To be continued 未完待续。例句:以上是我为公司网站写的策划方案,未完待续 Above is the concoctive program that I write for company website, unfinished to...

to be continued什么意思

to be continued:未完待续

to be continued怎么翻译?

to be continue是错误表达方式,因为continue是个动词,不能直接放be后面,所以应该用被动,to be continued。to be...

to be continued是什么意思

to be continued 未完待续;未完成;待续未完 例句筛选 1.Until use beloved you love to die, wants to be with you to be continued thatfeeling!直到用心爱你爱...

to be continue什么意思

应该是 to be continued 待续,未完待续;未完成 双语例句:1.But idiotically, I had used the end of part one as an opportunity to explain what "tobe conti...

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